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Wednesday, August 12, 2009

It All Came Out

Okay, okay, it's been a little while since my last update, but things have been very busy and stressful these past couple of weeks. I am happy to say that I am away from my hometown and enjoying life here on this beautiful (and very hot) Troy University campus. Yeah, it may have been a bumpy little path getting here with all the stress over not having a car, losing my immunization form, catching up on financial aid stuff and so forth, but I'm actually here. I moved into the all male (freshman) dormitory Saturday evening after sad goodbye's with some family and Sara, and of course Q.
Move-in day was stressful all on it's own. I had my stuff packed the night before and we planned on leaving Saturday at noon to have me there at around 3pm. Well...that didn't happen that way. My mom's truck (and everyother car she owns) is a piece of crap and we were both worried that it would never make it down there and back, so she was planning on taking my grandmother's car instead, like she did to take me to orientation. No problem, right? Wrong! She failed to let my gradmother (who was attending my great uncle's funeral in California) anything about it, and just showed up Saturday morning to take the car just to find that it was running hot, and my grandmother's new car was parked and the keys taken.
So noon rolls around, and my mother still isn't back yet, so I call her and she is STILL across town fooling around with my grandmother's car. Since I had a deadline of 5pm to make I was starting to panic a little, but figured we had time for her to get something done.'s now 2pm and it takes three hours to get there and she still is not home! I'm in full blown panic attack mode at this point, so I called the residential department at the school and informed them I was going to be a late and they seemed to be cool with it, which put me a little more at ease.
Mommy Dearest finally showed up a few minutes later and I cramed my stuff into and onto that truck as fast as my hands and feet would allow me and we were on our merry little way.
Three very uncomfortable hours later, we arrived to the campus and I checked into my dorm and got my key. Tyler (as well as his mother, aunt, and grandmother) were already in the room, his side of the room completely set up. My mom and his folks helped me set my things up (my side was far less decorated than his) and after a couple of hours or so my mom was on her happy way home. Tyler's family decided they were staying in a hotel close to campus for some program the next afternoon. To make a long story short, they stayed for two freaking days!!! I was so ready for them to go, I thought I was going to have to hang myself out on the campus green just to get some privacy.
The next day began our first day out on our own. I basically hung out with Tyler and Nicole (another girl I have known sice middle school) and some random people we were meeting as the time went by. Not much to do when classes aren't going on. That was also the day I just decided to come clean about my sexuality. It was never a huge deal to me because at this point in my life I don't care what people think about it, and I'm tired of hiding who I am just to appease people. I'm not running around in make up and wigs, nor am I this big flammer. I just so happen to like and fall in love with guys. So what? But I actually told Nicole Sunday night when Tyler was out out of the room, and she was completely ok. Then the next afternoon Tyler and I had our discussion which lasted much longer than the one Nicole and me had....but it still went ok. When Kayla and Rachel got settled, I told them (seperately of course) and they are fine. I feel really relieved to just be myself while I am here.
I guess that's all the big news I got right now...still kind of stressing over some stuff but hey, that's a story for next time ...maybe. Haha