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Thursday, July 30, 2009

Letting It All Hang Out update, finally! Well I've been a little busy this past week...mainly with Q, which I am happy to say all is still very well and I hope it remains that way. This past Saturday we took a little road trip to meet up with a few of his friends (but mainly his bestie, Terry) for a little fun, plus Terry wanted to meet me, which felt really good because it kind of made me feel accepted in a way. And although our destination was no place fancy (it was a country little town called Carbon Hills...or Springs...I forget), but we had a whole day of activities lined up. We got there and the first person I saw was of course, Terry, who welcomed us both with open arms. Then I saw their friend, Allie (and her infamous boobies) following behind him. Then following Allie, was Jessica, Terry's little sister who is just a year older than me. Just breaking the ice was well enough. They gave off a good vibe and I felt right at home. We swam and played around in the water like a bunch of kids until it was time to get ready for "Karaoke Night" at this rest stop. We all showered (mine a little longer than everybody else's which I think kinda annoyed Q, but oh well) and meet up with the rest of their friends before heading to the Karaoke bar-thingy. We stayed there for hours before we left and ended up staying the night at Terry's. Since Terry lives with his folks, there is a very strict no sex rule (or at least gay sex anyway) in the house, so there was no showering together, kissing (which we did plenty of in the car), or anything in the  house. We even slept in different places. The next day we ended up going to a (very small) birthday party for Terry's ex-boyfriend which was fun in it's own way. Then back to Terry's to get our stuff together and make our way back to Q's apartment. 
Spending so much time with Q is starting to make me realize that there maybe he is the one for me. We have the same goofy sense of humor, we are never bored with each other, nothing is forced, and we just click so well...I don't know what I'm gonna do if fate isn't on our side. We aren't necessarily going in different directions in life, it's just that we are so young and at different points right now. He is going through job interview after job interview (which is a process that is going very well, and I am super proud of him) and I'm just getting my feet wet in the real world, not really knowing what to expect. We still haven't made any "real" commitment to each other yet but it's clear that we want each other and have no interest in dating anybody else. I'm a little scared, but it's natural I suppose. 

As for some random stuffy stuff, I've started working on a new look for myself. Nothing completely different or drastic. I got my hears pierced (16 gauge black hoops) and I got my left rook pierced (blue spike) and I LOVES it. I'm also training my (naturally straight) hair to wave. I want those cool 360 degree waves you see on those hot black models yum. They are starting to form, but it'll be some weeks before they are perfect. I don't wanna use chemicals or too much product. I've also joined this newer gay networking site called Daily Queer and if there are any gays out there reading this, you should sign up. It's very comparable to Facebook except you can post dirty pictures if you want. And it is more of a networking site, rather than a gay hook up site. If you in fact do make an account, feel free to check out My Profile and add me or something. 
Well that's all got for you today...I'll try to update soon, although next week is probably going to a busy one considering I leave for Troy next Saturday!

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