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Monday, July 6, 2009


Okay, so I've told you about Q, my love interest and all. And we all know that this past weekend was Independence Day. Well I had no plans the beginning of that day, considering my mother left earlier that morning to help my granny BBQ, which was fine with me because I wanted to sleep-in anyway.
When I finally did wake up, around two-ish, I got a text from Kevin, my friend/ex. Apparently he wanted to hang out, but didn't know if he could or not because his father had been hinting all day about wanting to go fishing together. I don't really mind going off with Kevin, because we have fun and I like seeing him, but for like the first time, I just really wasn't too interested. I wouldn't have told him no, but I don't think I would've enjoyed mind was on Q.
So some really long and boring hours of watching television and playing The Sims 3 goes by and at around six or so, Q finally texts me and eventually asks if I wanted to hang out with him. Of course I eagerly accepted...all giddy and shit. But he told me he had to wait on his step-mom to bring over some food or something before he could leave. An hour goes by and he sends me a text message saying his dad told her not to bring him anything and that he should go over there and see his family...fair enough I guess. So he told me he'll see me a little later cuz he just wanted to make an appearance and be on his way......
....FOUR AND A HALF HOURS LATER...he finally tells me he's on his way still after being guilt tripped by his father for leaving. It's like almost midnight now, so he comes up with this brilliant plan to go clubbing. I kind of like that sort of thing every now and then so I agreed but only if we drink first, because otherwise I just find the whole thing boring...but everything's fun when you're drunk, right?
So we meet and get to his apartment so he can change clothes and he has some Smirnoff Vodka that's been sitting on his kitchen island for ages (or since I've met him anyway), and I know that vodka does NOT agree with me at all. The first time I got drunk off of vodka at a party when I was 16, I got out of control and looked like a complete was awful. Not to mention the horrible feeling I got while being is not good drunk in my opinion. But of course I drink Q's vodka anyway. He had a couple of sips here in there but I pretty much drank it myself...and it wasn't long before the crazy belligerent drunk came out and to the point where our clubbing plans were pretty much over, considering the lesbian bouncer wouldn't stand for admitting a completely wasted 18 year old into their club. So Q basically had to take care of my loud ass, attempting (in vain) to calm me down.
I don't remember much at all so the story would probably be more effective told from his point of view, but hey, he doesn't blog...and besides I didn't really ask to know every detail anyway, in fear of embarrassment. But he took care of me...even when the gallons of vomit came. Yes, ladies and gentlemen, I threw up...a lot, which so weird because no matter how bad I get, I never throw up, which is another reason for me to stay the hell away from vodka.
At some point I finally (literally) passed out on the sofa and woke up some hours later feeling like I was so close to death, and alone on his couch. I remember feeling really really bad and just forcing myself back to sleep. I woke up again feeling worse some time later and Q had joined me on the couch, asleep on the opposite end. This time around I was tossing and turning feeling terrible. Everything ached and I was so light headed. I got up and went to the bathroom, of course upon walking out I found myself charging to the toilet (my new best friend) to throw up, but instead, considering there was nothing left to throw up, I just starting retching and dry heaving...horrible feeling....then I got back on his sofa him still asleep, and then I noticed I was naked. Now before you get the wrong idea, apparently during my drunken episode, I threw up on my jeans and Q told me to take them off and told me to hop in the shower but instead I took off all of my clothes and walked to the living room where I passed out on the sofa instead.
But he took care of me, even while I was hungover. I stayed on his couch all day feeling like complete crap. He got me something to eat and made me feel better about the whole thing like it was no big deal.
It may sound stupid, but after all of that drunken nonsense, I actually think I like him more. I don't want anybody but him and I hope he feels the same about me. I know he likes me, and I know he's really apprehensive because of the distance from his town to Troy, but I hope he gives in and takes a chance....besides I'm kinda tired of being yet another victim of unrequited love.

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