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Thursday, January 14, 2010

All That is Green

Okay so it's Thursday and I'm just enjoying my off day for the most part by being a lazy ass. I woke up at around noon and went to Saga (the campus cafeteria) by myself for lunch...well brunch. I don't have a lot of energy today considering I'm on this (soon to be short lived) diet. I am also very well aware that if anybody saw me in person they would think I was a lunatic for even thinking I need to be on a diet. The truth is, I just wanna tone and trim up, and the only way to show of the few muscles I do have is to peel of a little layer of fat...on top of going to the gym three times a week of course. I'm not trying to gain any muscle, but to rock the sexiness I already have! I've been on this diet since Monday and it's not been easy so far...I did however download an application for my iPhone called Lose it!, which is basically a calorie counter that has just about every brand of food in America and how many calories and fat it contains. I've found out a lot about fast food, and let me tell's gross! But one place that isn't so bad at all is Chic-fil-a. Eating an 8-piece chicken nugget from there without any sauce is just 260 calories! I'm not gonna lie, it contains a lot of sodium though, but still not even 300 calories! For the past four days, my life has consisted of calorie counting and basically living off of salad and nuggets. Since I'm already thin, I already see results which means hopefully I can just maintain my weight after another week and a half or so, because this 1300 calories a day thing isn't hard, but not leaving me with much energy...especially after workouts when I feel light headed. I know it's because of my low calorie intake and that it's probably not a good sign at all, but I try to alleviate this with fat free yogurt after workouts which does help. But like I said, I'm seeing results and I'm kinda liking what I see. I'm not gonna go overboard, although I'm dreading going to the gym today because I'm tired, but I gotta go if I wanna stick with what I'm doing. I never finish what I start, and this would be a perfect opportunity to prove to myself that I do have will power. I'm just trying to lose 7 pounds, but it's enough to make me feel like a million bucks. Anyways, I guess I should get started on some Algebra homework....I have six sections that are due in less than two weeks. Gotta love this college homework!

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